In the action menu in the User Management section you have single user options and bulk user options without the need for CSV’s or visiting the individual user page.

Available actions
Add To Group
Remove From Group
Add Alias To Group
Set Organization
Suspend Users
Restore Users
Change gPanel Role
Force Password Reset
Share Contact With Directory
Add To User
Delete Users
Add Label
Enable/Disable IMAP
Enable/Disable POP
Approved Email Forwarding
Email Delegate
Email Forwarding
Email Monitor
Export Admin Logs
Export Personal Contacts
Externally Owned Docs
Gmail Breakdown Report
Last Login
License Types
Send As Addresses
Site Ownership
Storage Report
Super Admin
Suspended User
Two Factor Enrolled
User Profile
1. Select the user or users in the list under user management by clicking the box next to their name.

2. Click the action button.

3. Choose an available action from the list.

4. Depending on the action you select, you may have a process button or you may need to enter a value before you can process.
5. Once done your action will be processed.