The Log View section of decommissioning allows you to see all of the job logs associated with your decommissioning processes.
Viewing logs
Each log contains the following information:
Action Time: The date and time of the action that took place
Decommissioning User Email: The suspended user's email address
Job Name: The name of the decommissioning process
Action: The particular action that was being taken on the suspended user
Message: This is where you will see any messages regarding decommissioning actions
Action Complete: Whether or not the action has been completed on this user
Days Out: Number of days since the action was completed
Acknowledge/Unacknowledged: View acknowledged or uncknowledged logs

Acknowledging logs
New logs can be tagged as "Acknowledged". This will move them to the Acknowledged list. Acknowledged logs allows you to separate logs that have been read from unread logs.
To acknowledge a log, check the box next to it and click Acknowledge Selected.

To select all logs as Acknowledged, click Acknowledge All in the Actions menu.