gPanel Calendars Overview


First up in the gPanel Calendars module, you can add and edit events, share calendars, and more. You can also transfer a calendar to a new user. By clicking on a specific user's calendar, you'll see the details of the calendar. Let's go through each tab.


The overview tab is where you can see and edit general information about the selected calendar. This information includes:

  • Title: This section shows the name of the calendar

  • Location: This section shows the location that the calendar is in. The location can be a preset made by Google, a Saved Global Location, or a Detected Local Location.

  • Time Zone: This section shows the time zone that the calendar is in.

  • Color: This section allows the user to select the color for events on that calendar.

  • Description: This section is a description of the calendar.

  • Is Shown: This indicates whether or not to display the calendar in the user's calendar list.


Under the Calendar overview tab is the Sharing tab. This is where you control who has access to the selected calendar and what the calendar's visibility is. You can change the visibility of a calendar with the toggles.You can add users or groups to the calendar using the type-ahead field and plus sign. You can also choose what event information to share.

  • See only free/busy means that users can see events booked but not the details of them. The event will simply show as "Busy" to those without a direct share or invite.

  • See all event details means users can see all event details, even if they are not invited.


The next tab is Events. The Events tab will allow you to view, edit, and delete events on the selected calendar.


In the History tab, you can view, filter, and export logs about the selected calendar.

Resource Calendars

The next section of the gPanel Calendars module is Resource Calendars. This section is one of the first to be redesigned with our new UI which is why it looks a little different than the other pages. Resource Calendars are fairly straightforward, in that they are calendars to help schedule and show the availability of certain resources in your company. For example, our conference rooms are tied to specific resource calendars which means our employees can book them during their available times. You can also manage who the calendar is shared with, view events, and more.

Resource Templates

Next up in the gPanel Calendars module is Resource Templates. This section acts as a consistent way to easily manage Resource Templates with new or previously saved settings based on your domain specifications. You can create a template with all of the settings to your liking. Once created, use the template when creating a new Resource for a more efficient and intuitive workflow.

Calendar Transfer Logs

The last section of the gPanel Calendars module is Calendar Transfer Logs. This is where you view the logs of calendar transfers completed within your domain. The logs are sorted by date created, source user, destination user, status, and transfer ID.

The gPanel Calendars module allows you to keep a close eye on calendars, events, and resources within your domain.

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