gPanel Drive Overview

The gPanel Drive module will help you stay on top of your company's data with ease. Google Drive is a large part of every business and offers Documents, Sheets, and Slides with Cloud-based storage and easy share settings. This allows for collaboration in and out of the office. But with everything in life, you have to make sure you’re operating in a secure and intuitive work environment and this is where Drive through gPanel comes in.

Drive Explorer

First up in the gPanel Drive module is Drive Explorer. Drive Explorer is a feature of gPanel that emulates Google’s native Drive application. It allows you to view and manage the documents and folders of users in your domain. You'll see a list of all the users in your domain and the ability to click on each and every one of their Google Drives. You can see what each user has stored in their Drive, who they’ve shared it with, what that user has starred and even trashed throughout Docs, Sheets, and Slides. You can also add a new folder into a user’s Drive and transfer ownership of documents from one user to another. Along with the ability to edit and revoke share access, you can view folders, rename, move, and trash items in any user's Drive.

Drive Search

Next up is Drive Search. Ever needed to locate a file that might have been shared externally? Or just can’t seem to remember what user originally the document? Drive Search is a feature that allows you to search a user’s Drive contents and export the results of that search. You can also add words that appeared in the files document title or click exact match if you know exactly what you’re looking for. With the sources option, you have complete search ability across your entire domain.

Ownership Transfer Logs

Next in the gPanel Drive module is Ownership Transfer Logs. This section allows you to view the logs and details of previous document ownership transfers. You can view source users, destinations, the number of documents transferred, and more in this section. Also, you have the ability to see what files were transferred. Learn how to complete a Drive transfer in gPanel here.

Drive Sweep

Drive Sweep is a feature of gPanel that allows you to transfer the ownership of files underneath a specified folder automatically. This will allow organizations to ensure that documents in specific folders are all owned by the same user account. Once created, Drive Sweep will update continuously every 15 minutes. It will apply the changes of ownership to any files created and added to the specified location.

Shared Drive Management

Last but not least in the gPanel Drive module is Shared Drives. Shared Drives is a feature of gPanel that allows you to manage Google Shared Drives within gPanel. This new  functionality gives admins more control and visibility into all the Shared Drives within their Google Workspace environment.   

As an administrator, you can change the members and their access level for any Shared Drive in your domain. You can also change the sharing settings for a Shared Drive, and the default sharing settings for all new shared drives. 


Interested in gPanel?

If you want to protect your company’s data while efficiently managing your user settings, then you need gPanel. As a Promevo customer, you'll receive free support from our Google certified specialists. Also, if you have a feature that you'd like to see in gPanel, our development team can make it happen.

To get more information, fill out the form linked below or you can start a free trial here! Don't forget, gPanel is available for free to organizations who purchase their Google Workspace licenses through Promevo! What are you waiting for?

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