What Google for Education Aims to do

So how does this system go above and beyond in the academic space?

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Equip Leaders

Using Google for Education’s tools, educational leaders can bring innovation and value to their school systems. These customizable tools supercharge student outcomes while keeping data private and secure.

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Empower Educators

Teachers can use these assistive tools to improve student outcomes. Google for Education allows educators to deliver continuous learning from anywhere, build strong school-home relationships, and encourage peer collaboration.

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Encourage Students

Google for Education equips students with the tools and skills they need to be successful. By providing resources like lesson-ready content and engaging learning experiences, Google for Education helps educators meet students where they are so they can reach their goals.

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Evolve Every Day

Google is committed to continuous learning. Using valuable feedback from thousands of educators, Google for Education continues to evolve to meet the needs of schools everywhere by offering enhanced technology. 

What Clients Are Saying

Promevo_Saint Joseph Regional High School Goes Google With Chromebooks
"Without Chromebooks, St. Joe’s wouldn’t be the school that it is today. We wouldn’t have gone with another device.”
Margaret Sullivan
EdTech Specialist
Promevo_Google Meet Keeps Students and Teachers Connected at Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School
"It’s so intuitive. At first, we introduced Chromebases for Google Meet to a few classrooms and now every classroom has one."
Lauren Dowden
Director of Institutional Technology

Chromebooks for Educators

Promevo is committed to helping educators on their Google journey.


Chromebooks are an instrumental tool in the Google for Education toolbox because they allow teachers and students to personalize the learning experience. Chromebooks are built for cost-effectiveness and intuitive management so that educators can focus on the classroom experience.

Plus, these devices allow every IT admin to unlock the full capabilities of ChromeOS with the Chrome Education Upgrade. Teachers can also utilize Google for Education tools that offer helpful curricula and educational resources to improve class content at every step of the learning process.


Shop Chromebooks Now

Promevo is proud to offer a wide selection of Chrome devices so our clients can find what will work best for them. We are here to guide you through the purchasing process so you feel confident in making the best decision for students, educators, and everyone else.

Chromebooks for educators offer these benefits:


Chrome Education License

The Chrome Education License allows you to manage any number of devices from a single, cloud-based console.


Google recognizes that in a school district with thousands of students, teachers and educational leaders need a customizable system that allows for seamless workflow and responsiveness so students can get the help they need.

The Chrome Education Upgrade offers these benefits:

Google Workspace for Education

The options offered by Google Workspace for Education are meant to empower and engage teachers, students, and leaders as they collectively embark on unique learning experiences. Google Workspace for Education is working to transform learning by focusing on:

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Boosting Collaboration

These Google tools make it easy and seamless for everyone in your school community to collaborate, communicate, and participate in real-time. Google Workspace for Education aims to empower students and educators at every level.

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Amplifying Productivity

Educators can save time by creating, organizing, sharing, and grading coursework all in one place. With single sign-on, everyone can access all of their files on any device. 

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Secure Learning

Google Workspace for Education enables secure learning on a digital platform. Teams can rely on the best-in-class, multi-layered security with built-in and automated features that simplify security management. 

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Constant Innovation

Google believes in constantly evolving to improve existing solutions. Google Workspace for Education will continue to innovate, expand, and work to improve student outcomes.

Learn how gPanel® software by Promevo can help educators with Google Workspace User Management and Security.


Get a Free Demo

Why Promevo?

Promevo understands the value of teamwork, collaboration, and security when it comes to creating a learning environment that works for students and educators.


Promevo understands the value of teamwork, collaboration, and security when it comes to creating a learning environment that works for students and educators.
That’s why we partner with educational leaders and institutions to help them transition to Google for Education. Our team delivers excellent end-to-end service and expert consultation and assistance with implementation, every step of the way. You can count on our team to be there for yours as you take your first look into Google for Education.   

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Ready to get started with Google for Education journey? Contact Promevo today to learn more.


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