3 min read

Enhancing iOS Management: The Advantages of Google MDM

Google Mobile Device Management (MDM) provides a comprehensive way to manage and secure iOS devices in an enterprise environment. Part of the Google Workspace platform, Google MDM enables centralized oversight of iPhones and iPads alongside Android devices and Chromebooks.

With intuitive mobile management features, IT administrators gain visibility into the iOS fleet and can configure devices remotely without needing to physically manage each one. Policies and restrictions can be set across the fleet or at a granular, per-user level.


Key Benefits of Google MDM for iOS

Let's explore the key benefits of using this managed mobile device system for iOS.

Simplified Enrollment & Setup

Google MDM supports automated device enrollment using Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager and user-based enrollment of employee-owned devices. Devices can be quickly set up with email, VPN, and WiFi configurations pushed out during the enrollment process, eliminating manual configuration.

Unified Management Across Platforms

For organizations managing a heterogeneous environment of iOS, Android, and ChromeOS devices, Google MDM brings everything under one roof. There's no need to use separate MDM platforms for each OS, because this system has a unified dashboard and can create cross-platform policies.

Integration With the Google Ecosystem

Natively tying into Gmail, Calendar, Drive, and other Workspace apps, Google MDM takes advantage of Google's ecosystem. New user accounts can be automatically created, and devices enrolled using existing Google Workspace credentials. Apps like Drive and Gmail can be easily deployed and managed.

Centralized Policy & Configuration Management

From the Google Admin Console, IT can remotely push configurations, restrictions, and policies out to devices. Options like disabling cameras or limiting app installs can be set organization-wide or customized for user groups. Geofencing rules can also be created.

Security & Compliance

Google MDM provides tools to lock down iOS devices and ensure compliance with organizational policies and industry regulations. Passcodes can be mandated, encryption enforced, and devices remotely wiped if lost or stolen to protect company data.

Compliance reports also provide proof of security. These MDM features help ensure corporate data is kept safe and policies are enforced - regardless of the device.

Application Management

The Google Play Store allows IT to approve, block, and silently install public and internal apps on managed iOS devices. Volume purchasing support is also included for easier licensing and distribution of paid apps.

Powerful Reporting & Analytics

Google offers over 200 reports covering device inventory, app installs, policies, and activity data. Trends can be monitored over time, and these insights help to optimize configurations and ensure policy adherence across the iOS fleet.


Key Differences vs. Apple MDM

Unlike Apple's MDM solution, Google MDM is platform agnostic, allowing unified management of multiple operating systems. It also integrates with Google's industry-leading productivity apps.

Apple Business Manager/Apple School Manager is still required for automated device enrollment, but the management is handled through the Google platform. This enables administrators to leverage their existing Google Admin Console and tools.

While Apple MDM has deep hooks into iOS and macOS, it lacks support for ChromeOS or Android. Organizations without a pure Apple environment can benefit from Google's cross-platform approach.


Implementing Google MDM for iOS Management

Rolling out Google MDM across an enterprise iOS fleet requires planning and preparation. Administrators and IT teams should take the following steps:

  1. Evaluate the current iOS environment and requirements
  2. Determine which iOS management modes to use
  3. Configure administrators and settings in the Google Admin Console
  4. Develop organizational policies to apply
  5. Plan an enrollment schedule for devices and users
  6. Communicate changes and provide training where needed
  7. Monitor analytics and feedback learnings in the program

A phased approach allows IT to test Google MDM and smoothly transition iOS management from another MDM solution if needed.


Final Thoughts

For organizations looking to improve oversight of their iOS fleet, Google Mobile Device Management provides an attractive option with its support for unified management and integration with Google's ecosystem.

Compared to standalone Apple MDM, Google MDM can allow enterprises to leverage their existing Workspace infrastructure while gaining capabilities like cross-platform policy management. Careful evaluation and planning is required for a successful rollout across an iOS fleet.

With the right approach, Google's MDM solution can enhance administration and offer more value than relying on Apple's tools alone.


Look to Promevo for Google Support

Whether you're considering Google Workspace business for your organization, or you want to get more out of Google's tools like MDM, Promevo is here to help. As a certified Google partner, we provide end-to-end support with all things Google, from setting up Workspace to selecting ChromeOS devices. Our team helps you harness the robust capabilities of Google to reinvent the way you do business and accelerate the growth of your company.

We are proud to be a 100% Google-focused partner helping you succeed, wherever you are in your Google journey. Contact us today to get started.


FAQs: Google MDM for iOS

Does Google MDM work for both company-owned and BYOD devices?

Yes, Google MDM supports the management of both company-owned and employee-owned (BYOD) iOS devices. Separate enrollment methods and policy scopes can be used depending on the ownership model of mobile devices.

What administrative roles are available?

Google MDM has Super Admin, Helpdesk Admin, and User Management Admin roles available depending on the needs of your support model. Custom roles can also be created.

Can I manage iOS devices enrolled with another MDM?

No, a factory reset is required to move a device from one MDM platform to Google MDM. Data and settings will be erased.


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