4 min read

How to Keep AI-Generated Content On Brand

Navigating the intersection of AI content and brand content requires a nuanced approach. You aim to leverage AI’s efficiency without compromising the unique voice and identity that define your brand. 

Whether crafting pitch decks, blog posts, or social media updates, maintaining a consistent and compelling brand presence is essential, so every reader or follower gets a clear, consistent picture of your company. It can be challenging enough for humans to stay on brand and might seem impossible for an AI assistant to nail down. 

However, with the right prompts, the right feedback, and a human helper, generative AI can produce really high quality branded content. 

This guide provides practical tips for generating on-brand content with AI, ensuring that your digital assets not only resonate with your audience but also embody your brand’s distinct personality. Dive into these strategies to harness the power of AI while preserving the human touch that sets your brand apart.


4 Tips for Generating On-Brand Content with AI

Leveraging generative AI to create on-brand content can be a game-changer for businesses, but it requires a strategic approach. Here are five tips to ensure your AI-generated content aligns with your brand’s identity and resonates with your audience.

1. Provide Detailed Brand Guidelines

Your AI needs clear and comprehensive brand guidelines to produce content that reflects your unique voice. These guidelines should cover tone, style, positioning, and audience insights.

  • Tone and Style: Specify whether your brand is formal, casual, playful, or technical. Use demonstrative adjectives that help show the AI what your brand DOES and DOES NOT sound like. Outline the writing style, such as concise, descriptive, or narrative. If your posts use MLA or Chicago format, specify that.
  • Positioning: Identify where you sit in relation to other voices and accounts in your industry. Let the AI you’re working with understand that you want to sound authoritative, yet affordable or that you’re the DIY alternative. Help it understand where you stand with values, mission, and market fit.
  • Audience Insights: Describe your target audience’s characteristics to help the AI tailor content to their preferences and expectations. If you’re speaking to a business audience, let your AI know their titles, areas of business, and needs. If you’re speaking to individual customers, describe their pain points and motivations to your AI assistant. 

2. Use Effective Prompting

The quality of AI-generated content heavily depends on the prompts you provide. Crafting precise, informative prompts can significantly enhance the output.

  • Clarity and Specificity: Be clear and specific about what you want. Instead of vague prompts like “write a blog post,” use detailed instructions such as “write a 500-word blog post on the benefits of using eco-friendly products, emphasizing our brand’s commitment to sustainability.”
  • Contextual Information: Provide context to guide the AI. Include relevant background information, the purpose of the content, and the desired outcome. You can even share example sentences that sound like your brand, or which you’ve published before.
  • Provide an outline: If you’re creating something long, like a pitch or article, you may want to provide an outline. To ensure your AI assistant produces the length, structure and flow you’re looking for, set boxes and parameters, and be prepared to edit to finish. 

3. Give Constructive Feedback

Feedback is crucial for refining AI-generated content. Go beyond simple ratings of thumbs up or thumbs down and offer detailed, constructive feedback.

  • Highlight Strengths and Weaknesses: Point out what the AI did well and areas that need improvement. Get detailed about what you like and don’t like, what fits, and what’s too much. If the AI made any evident errors, lay those out.
  • Offer Specific Examples: Use specific examples to illustrate your feedback. For instance, if the tone was too formal, provide an example of a more casual tone. Highlight the areas of the AI copy that are specifically NOT meeting your expectations, and explain what a better option would be.
  • Iterative Process: Treat feedback as part of an iterative process. Regularly review and refine the content based on your feedback to achieve the desired quality. You might have to give 2-3 rounds of feedback, but this will still happen quickly when you’re using lightning fast AI, like Gemini. 

4. Incorporate Human Review & Finesse

While AI can generate impressive content, human review and refinement are essential to ensure it meets your brand standards.

You need to proofread the content for accuracy, grammar, and structure. You need to edit the content for coherence, brand alignment, and tone.

You may also need to add a human touch to add anecdotes, cultural references, stylistic elements and callbacks to old posts — things an AI cannot (yet) infer for you.


The Challenges of Branding Your AI Content 

Incorporating generative AI into branding efforts presents unique challenges, particularly in maintaining a distinctive, memorable brand voice. The pressure to ensure that AI-generated content sounds unique and human-like can be intense, especially when your brand's identity hinges on a specific tone, style, and personality.

Generative AI can produce vast amounts of content quickly, but without careful guidance, it may lack the nuanced voice that makes your brand stand out.

Challenges of Using Generative AI for Branding

  • Maintaining a Unique Voice: AI tools can sometimes produce generic content that fails to capture the essence of your brand. Ensuring the output aligns with your brand's unique voice requires careful oversight and detailed brand guidelines.
  • Human-like Tone: Consumers expect content that feels authentic and relatable. AI-generated content needs to avoid sounding robotic or impersonal, which can alienate your audience.
  • Brand Consistency: Every piece of content, from pitch decks to social media posts, must consistently reflect your brand's identity. This includes tone, style, language, and even the values conveyed through the content.

When using generative AI for various content needs, it's essential to keep it true to your brand's identity. To achieve this, you must provide simple, clear brand directives that an AI can understand and follow. These directives should include:

  • Tone and Style Guidelines: Define the tone (formal, casual, playful, etc.) and style (concise, descriptive, technical) your brand uses.
  • Key Messaging and Positioning Points: Identify the core messages and values your brand wants to communicate consistently
  • Audience Insights: Outline the characteristics of your target audience, helping the AI tailor content to their preferences and expectations.
  • Examples of On-Brand Content: Provide samples of past content that perfectly encapsulate your brand voice to serve as a reference.

By integrating these directives, you can harness the power of generative AI while ensuring the content remains true to your brand’s unique identity. This approach not only helps maintain brand integrity but also enhances the efficiency and scalability of your content creation processes.


Improve Your Branded AI Content 

Creating on-brand content with AI involves a careful balance of automation and human oversight. By applying detailed brand guidelines, effective prompting, constructive feedback, human review, and a collaborative approach, you can ensure that your AI-generated content remains true to your brand’s identity.

Embrace these strategies to enhance your content creation process, keeping it aligned with your brand’s unique voice and values.

For deeper insights and hands-on training, explore Promevo's Gemini Deployment Workshops, where we'll teach you how to craft effective prompts and help you get the most out of Google's new generative AI tool. These workshops offer the expertise you need to optimize AI use and elevate your branding efforts.

Contact us to get started. 


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